When creating a shift you can now choose two separate rates for each shift, one for the employee rate and one for the client rate. Read more »
Groups can be edited and changed under the “Edit Attributes” “Groups” menu. Groups can be used for grouping staff together that you may want to communicate with in bulk. Read more »
Track The Hours Staff Work By Month Or Week
The system will track the hours your staff work for a week or month on the fly as you create jobs. You can check this by clicking the clock Icon on the create job page and the total amount of hours the staff member has worked for the current work week and the current work month. The month tracked is from the first day to the last day of the month. Read more »
Your Company Calendar
Your company calendar can be found by browsing to “Manage Jobs” and selecting “Company Calendar”. Your company calendar will give you an overview of all the jobs you have booked for your company in the system. Jobs are represented by a colour with a number inside. The colour of the icon represents the status of the job (such as completed or unconfirmed). The number inside the coloured icon represents how many shifts are currently in the status. Read more »
Staff submission of online time sheets
Staff can amend and submit their time sheets online via their personal staff account. This is done by logging in and browsing to the time sheets page. To create your time sheet click the “Generate Time Sheet” button, this will create all time sheets for work that has been completed (work that is in the past). Time sheets should appear automatically although some older browsers may require the page being refreshed before the time sheets appear. Read more »
Form Builder
You can create your own custom forms in the system by navigating to “System Settings” — “Form Builder”. You can create forms such as new employee application form and syndicate the form you create anywhere on the web.
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Editing your email signature
You can configure how your email signature will appear in all email communication sent out via the system. You can configure the look and contents of the email signature by going to “System Settings” then “Company Profile” and selecting the “Your Email Signature” tab. Read more »
Company logo
Your company logo can replace the default logo by going to “System Settings” and “Company Profile”. On the manage company profile page you will find three tabs, click the “Your Company Logo” tab to change the logo used throughout the system. Read more »
Company profile
Your own personal company profile can be managed by selecting “System Settings” then “Company Profile”. Your company profile information will output automatically in a variety of places in the system such as on your invoices, email communication and staff profile superannuation panel. Read more »
Search staff
To access the search staff page select “Manage Staff” then “Search Staff”. The search staff page allows you to search for your staff based on a variety of criteria or you can hit the “Search Staff” button without entering any search criteria data and all your staff in the system will be displayed. The common search criteria you can search for staff by include: Read more »