To access the search staff page select “Manage Staff” then “Search Staff”. The search staff page allows you to search for your staff based on a variety of criteria or you can hit the “Search Staff” button without entering any search criteria data and all your staff in the system will be displayed. The common search criteria you can search for staff by include:
- Name (The name of the staff member)
- Rating (Display all staff with a rating equal to or above the selected rating)
- Group (Show all staff contained in a group)
- Status (Show all staff of a particular status)
- State (Show all staff who live in a particular state)
- Gender (Show all staff of a particular gender)
- Availability (Show all staff available on a particular day)
- Age (Show all staff of a particular age)
- Worked From – To (Show all staff that have worked a shift in a particular date range)
- Time Sheet in Payrun (Show all staff currently in or out of the pay run)
Your search staff function will work more effectively if your staff profiles are complete
The capability also exists to search for staff via your custom attributes, custom attributes can be created by going selecting “Edit Attributes” then “Custom Attributes”. Custom Attributes you create will show up under the attributes tab when viewing a staff profile.
Search Results
Hitting the “Search Staff” button will bring up your search results. Search results are displayed with 1 staff per line. The following information is showen for each staff:
- Profile Image (Click the photo to view the full staff profile)
- Name (Click the name to view the full staff profile)
- Email Address
- State
- Rating (Ratings can be set and amended via the search results)
- Last Work Day (The last work day the staff member worked)
- Last Profile Update (Last time the staff profile was updated)
- Status
- View (Click the name to view the full staff profile)
- Delete (Remove the staff)
The search results can be sorted by clicking the wherever they appear.
A checkbox is available to the far left of every staff profile that can checked to initiate actions found in the “Actions” menu. The “Actions” menu contains the following functions that can be performed to multiple staff at the same time:
- Contact Staff (Contact the selected staff by email or SMS)
- Delete Staff (Delete the selected staff)
- Update Selected Rating (Update the rating of the selected staff)
- Change Selected Status (Change the status of the selected staff)
- Export the Selected (Export a CSV file of the selected staff)
The lone check box sitting directly under the “Action” menu will select all the displayed staff results. To show more records on the one page and select a greater number of search results change the “Show Records Per Page” from the default number of 50 results to a larger number.
Learn about “Adding Staff“