Your own personal company profile can be managed by selecting “System Settings” then “Company Profile”. Your company profile information will output automatically in a variety of places in the system such as on your invoices, email communication and staff profile superannuation panel.
The company profile contains the following fields:
- Company Name (The name of your company)
- Address (The address of your companies head office)
- Suburb (The suburb of your companies head office)
- Postcode (The post code of your companies head office)
- State (The state of your companies head office)
- Country (The country of your companies head office)
- Email (The primary email address for your company)
- Website (Your company website address)
- Telephone (Your company phone number)
- Fax (Your company fax number)
- ABN / ACN (Your company ABN or ACN number)
- Bank Account Name (Your company bank account name, will appear on invoices you issue from the system)
- Account No (Your company bank account number, will appear on invoices you issue from the system)
- BSB (Your company bank account BSB number, will appear on invoices you issue from the system)
- Super Fund Name (Your company super fund name)
- Super Product ID (Your company super fund product ID)
- Super Fund Phone (Your company super fund phone number)
- Super Fund Website (Your company super funds website address)
- Terms & Conditions of Payment (Payment terms you would like to appear on company invoices)
Hitting the “Update Company Profile” button will update your company profile information.