Posted by & filed under Creating A Pay Run, Hints & Tips, Managing Your Staff, Staff Expenses, Timesheet management, Timesheets.

Staff can amend and submit their time sheets online via their personal staff account. This is done by logging in and browsing to the time sheets page. To create your time sheet click the “Generate Time Sheet” button, this will create all time sheets for work that has been completed (work that is in the past). Time sheets should appear automatically although some older browsers may require the page being refreshed before the time sheets appear.The time sheet record will contain the information from the original job booking such as:

  • The date of the shift
  • The client the job was for
  • The venue the shift took place in
  • The staff who worked on the shift
  • The start and finish time of the shift
  • The break duration (and date and time the break to place)
  • The name of the pay rate applied for the shift (The pay rate may contain penalty rates such as higher rates charged at certain times of the day or night)
  • Any expenses that occurred on the job.

Staff members can amend the time sheet start -finish times, the break duration, the break time and add an expense. To make an amendment click on the text contained in the time sheet. Doing this will create a pop out window allowing for modification to be made. Any amendment to a time sheet is recorded and highlighted in red.


Watch the below video for a video tutorial on submitting your time sheets online



Supervised Time Sheets

The system allows for a staff member to not only submit their own personal times sheets but also allows staff assigned as a supervisor on a shift to submit other staff members time sheets. Supervised time sheets are automatically created when the generate time sheet button is clicked. If the staff has been assigned as a supervisor a new tab will appear next to the “Your Time Sheets” tab called “Your Supervised Timesheets”. This tab will contain all the time sheets of the staff they have been assigned. Time sheets are amended in the same way as their own personal time sheets which is explained in more detail in the above video.

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