There are numerous ways to communicate with your staff in the system. This article will explain some of the methods of sending staff their roster via email. The system allows for a months roster to be sent at a time via email, the email will send an exact replica of the roster that is also available via the staff account.
Send a roster email via the search staff page.
A range of staff communication is available to use via the search staff page, you can access the search staff page by going to the “Manage Staff” drop down then selecting “Search Staff”. Perform a search using the available search fields to bring up your search results. You can checkbox select staff you would like to contact and send them a roster email by clicking the action tab and contact staff as per the below screen grab.

Selecting contact staff will bring up the contact staff module as displayed in the below screen grab. The contact staff module has a variety of functions available to you such as:
- Select an email template you would like to send. There are a variety of pre-built email templates which can be edited and saved via the “System Settings” dropdown then selecting “Email Templates”
- Send sample email will allow you to send a sample of the email you are creating to a nominated email address, enter an email address into the field provided and click the send button
- Email Editor allows you to edit the content of the email
- Select groups allows you to select a contact group to send the email to. Groups can be created via the “Edit Attributes” drop down menu and selecting “Groups” staff can be assigned to groups via their staff profile
- Selected contacts or the email recipients will be displayed next to the send button, clicking “View Send List” will display all the email recipients with the possibility of removing unwanted recipients
To send an email roster to selected staff or a group choose the “Roster Template” and hit the send button.