Posted by & filed under Creating Jobs, Managing Jobs, Managing Your Staff.

This instruction guide will walk you through the basics of creating a job and the functions and features of the Job Card. Most of your requirements for managing jobs in the system are found on the one page we call the “Job Card”. The Job Card Screen

Below is a screen grab of the “Job Card” that has no jobs entered. The “Job Card” is made up from the following elements:

    • The Campaign Header – Shows the client and the campaign name. As you create jobs you will see a pie chart dynamically create and adjust as shifts are confirmed, rejected and completed.
    • Create Job Shifts Form – This is the primary form for creating jobs. The required fields for creating a shift are start time, finish time and pay rate


  • Weeks – Months Shifts – As you create jobs they will appear in a colour coded marker on the week view. The colour code relates to the status of the shift such as “Green = Confirmed” and “Red = Rejected” all the colour code statuses values can be found by going to “Manage Jobs” then “Company Calendar”. To switch to the month view click the calendar icon. Clicking on the day value on the week view will auto populate the start and finish times on the create job form that can speed up your work flow.
  • Day View   – As you create jobs they will appear in the day view. Clicking on a day in the week month view will auto switch the day view. All the fine editing and changing of shift details is done on via the day view. The day view functions are explained in more detail below


The Day View

The day view will display all the details of the shift. All shift details are editable by clicking on the word, for example clicking start time will allow you to change the start time.  Shifts are created with no staff assigned to them, to add a staff member to a shift you can click the link or name under the title “Staff Assigned”. There is a smart search bar that will filter your staff as you type there name, click the image of your staff to add them to the shift and choose the status of the shift.


If you add a staff member to a shift with the status set to unconfirmed the shift will appear on the staff members roster in an unconfirmed status and allow the staff member to manually change the status to confirmed, a shift that is unconfirmed will also appear in the “Apply For Work” section of staff accounts provided they are qualified to fill the shift (correct location and is capable of performing the role). If you allocate the staff member and set the status to confirmed it will appear in that staff members staff account roster and be marked as confirmed.


The day view also has a variety of other functions available such as:


Search Staff – Can be used to search for staff to allocate to a shift. The system will automatically search the correct location and correct role for the shift and show you the results with the best rated staff listed at the top.


Book Me – Staff that apply to work on shifts will appear here where by they can be allocated to the shift. If a client requests staff to work on a shift they will appear here also. Clients can request staff work on shifts by logging into their client account.


Supervisor – Set the time sheet supervisor for the shift. The supervisor can be a client or any staff in the system. Timesheets can be approved by supervisors by logging into there account, via email notifications or via the smart phone app.


Uniform – Set the uniform requirement for the shift if required


Add Brief – Add a brief to the shift, briefs can be created under the menu “Training Center” – “Brief Builder”


Shift Note – Add a note to a shift that will be available for the staff when they view the shift details via their roster


Expenses – Add expenses to the shift such as travel costs. On job expenses will separate out to a list for payment when you create a pay run.



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