If a user of the system be it client, staff or system administrators forgets their password they can have a new password sent to their registered system email by using the forgot password on the system login screen.The registered system email can be found by viewing the profile of the user. The forgot password link is found on the system login screen as displayed below.

After clicking the “Forgot Your Details” link the user will be asked to enter their registered system email address. The forgot your details email will be sent to the registered email address, the system will create a new random password for accessing the system contained in the email as displayed below.

The email sent to the user will look something like the below screen grab. The contents of this email can be customised as detailed further below.

To set up and customise your “Forgot Password” email template go to the “System Settings” drop down and select “Email Templates”. Once on the email templates page ensure the “Forgot Password” tab is selected, from here you can make amendments to the “Apply For Shifts” email template as shown below.